Scene from the First Day (Feb.28)

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Show Details

Dates: February 19 (Wed) - 21 (Fri), 2025
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
Organiser: RX Japan Ltd.

− SMART ENERGY WEEK consists of
> H2 & FC EXPO 2025 [February] - 23rd Int'l Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Expo
> PV EXPO 2025 [February] - 20th Int'l Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo
> BATTERY JAPAN 2025 [February] - 18th Int'l Rechargeable Battery Expo
> 17th SMART GRID EXPO [February]
> WIND EXPO 2025 [February] - 15th Int'l Wind Energy Expo
> ZERO-E THERMAL EXPO - 9th Zero Emission Thermal Power Generation Expo

− Concurrent Show of SMART ENERGY WEEK
The follwing shows are held inside Green Tarnsformation Week

* Admission for persons under 18 years of age:
-Persons under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (aged 18 or over).
-Registration is only valid for persons aged 18 and over. Please register the information for only accompanying adult on the form.
-Please contact Show Management in advance if you intend to bring more than five persons under 18 years of age.